About Us

We believe firmly in the American dream that everyone should own a piece of land. Land is truly an asset that will last forever. They are not making more of it, and we feel everyone should have a piece of land to call their own!

Just Want Land is a company that allows everyone the opportunity to become land owners within their budget. All of our properties are a blank canvas waiting for you, as the new land owner, to make it your own masterpiece. Our mission is to help you with your dream by taking the first step of owning your own land.

President Roosevelt said it best:

“Real estate cannot be lost or stolen, nor can it be carried away. Purchased with common sense, paid for in full, and managed with reasonable care, it is about the safest investment in the world.”

We welcome questions and inquiries! Schedule a call or email us by clicking contact us, or visit our Facebook page!

-Matt and Rachelle Cornell

Owners and Operators of Just Want Land LLC